Sunday, December 2, 2012

Not just a coat of paint!

I just painted four rooms in my house, four rooms that were in dire need of paint on the walls. It’s the final leg in a complete renovation of my house, which started back in 2004.  Yes, I move slowly, but after doing a kitchen, master bath, wood floors, new roof, etc., I needed a break both mentally and monetarily.  Through the years, I haven’t always been in love with my home, for me, it was just a big nuisance, and at times, an expensive one. Nevertheless, I made the decision to complete the final items here that were long overdue, starting with finishing these last four rooms.  I brought in a color coordinator, we decided on paint colors, and I hired a painter.  The walls were so badly beat-up, the painters spent two full days just patching and plastering.

Friday evening, I arrived home and I couldn’t wait to see how it all turned out.  As I moved from room to room, admiring the painter’s handy work, I was so pleased with the outcome; I wondered why I had waited all these years. I mean, I could have been enjoying these rooms, this house. I felt a complete attitude change come over me.  As I sit here in my living room, typing these words, I’m completely in love with my house, perhaps for the first time since I originally purchased it.

It’s a coat of paint people! 

This got me to thinking. Such a minor change, yet, it set me off on a completely new and positive direction. Imagine, making a minor change in your life, and what new paths it might offer for you down the road. 

Forget the big stuff for now, that job change you have been contemplating, or moving to another city, I’m just talking here about making minor changes.  I have found that even small changes in your life, the way you do things, the way you interact, can have a profound effect on the quality of your life and plant the seeds for a more happy and fulfilling journey. Simple changes can make a big difference. Perhaps buying some new clothes, or a new suit.  Drive to work taking a different route, get on a dating site, or bring your wife flowers.  Give an old friend a phone call, take a class, or start eating healthy. In your job, perhaps branching off on a new idea, making a few extra phone calls each day, or start setting up more networking lunches. 
Get out of your routines, or perhaps, do the opposite of what you always do.  See what happens.

Stay happy my friends…….trust me, life moves fast, you blink and a chunk of it is gone……A friend of mine said, rightly so, “if not now, when?”

Friday, November 30, 2012

Create, create, create!!

Times are tough, I guess you don't need me to tell you that. Layoffs are coming daily. Yet, through it all, you have to stay positive and realize, we live in the greatest country in the world. Anything is possible, bad economy or not. You have to believe that. 

When your child asks you to buy a Pillow Pet, or when fortunes are made from flipping houses, making candy, or starting a sub-sandwich chain, keep your head and create.  The Universe offers us unlimited possibilities. 

Remember, your energy goes where your attention flows......

Until next time! Happy Holidays

Friday, March 2, 2012

You can be anything you want.
You can have anything you want.
Don't ever doubt yourself, don't ever think you can't have this, or you can't have that. YOU CAN
The Universe offers unlimited possibilities.
It all comes down to what you think is possible

If you think it is, it is.....

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Manifesting and the iPhone

Do you believe in the law of attraction? 

The Law of Attraction states, that what we, in our hearts and minds believe or long for, becomes manifest in our reality.

The Law of Attraction states that we draw to ourselves vibrationally anything that we focus on.... or "like attracts like".  So, we manifest into our reality that which we focus upon!

Now, I have always wanted an iPhone, especially the new 4s. However, on my more practical side, I have said to myself,  this old cell phone is just fine, it does everything I want even though I'm slightly embarrassed with the appearance of it, since I use it for business and in my business, image is everything. When I visit the Apple store, I love playing with the iPhone, when I see someone using their iPhone, I always enquire about it, " Do you like it"? "Can I see it?" I've been desiring this phone for quite a while.

Today, at a business function, (one that I didn't really want to attend, but forced myself to go)  I put my business card into a hat, way at the bottom since I was one of the first to arrive. They picked a card and they CALLED MY NAME!  The  prize? .............A generously large gift certificate at the Apple Store!  Enough for the best iPhone 4S they have.

Thats the Law of Attraction.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Law of Attraction

There is nothing magical about it: it is based around electromagnetism. This electromagnetism is responsible for attracting you to other people and things. You attracted every experience that you have had in your life: people, situations, events, money, jobs, cars and so on. You electromagnetically attracted them all, mostly subconsciously. And when you attract things subconsciously, especially the unwanted things, you come to the conclusion that the Law of Attraction is not working positively for you.

Say you want more money, and you know that if you focus on getting more money you will succeed in your desire. After a while you notice that your financial situation has not improved. Why? You consciously wanted more money, yet you subconsciously stopped yourself from having more, without even realizing it. This is why you give up, believing the law doesn’t work. You don’t realize that you subconsciously held limiting beliefs about money: beliefs such as, ‘money is the root of all evil’, or ‘money is not important’.

These subconscious beliefs overrode your conscious desire.

You do not make more money by chance or by working hard. Things in life do not happen by chance: you electromagnetically attract everything in life.

Quantum physicists have revealed that everything in our universe is composed of energy, including us. We are vibrating energy beings. Since the Law of Attraction is based on the premise that ‘like attracts like’, the frequency that you vibrate at will always attract what is aligned with it. The critical point to understand here is that what you subconsciously vibrate at is what you get.

It is imperative to ensure that your conscious desires are in line with your subconscious beliefs, otherwise you will attract what you don’t want, and you will relive the belief that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work. To find out what your subconscious beliefs are, pay attention to your ‘but‘. For example, “I want to learn to fly, but I’m scared of flying.” The ‘I’m scared of flying’ is your subconscious belief that you will need to eliminate.

Whatever crops up as the ‘but‘, focus on it, give it your full attention and eliminate it. Focus on your thoughts; stop yourself from limiting beliefs and negative thinking.

If you want money, feel as if you have already achieved this, which is how your thoughts should resonate in your mind.  The feeling IS the prayer…..

Friday, February 24, 2012

The present moment is all we have!

The present moment is all we have! Is all there is and it is all there will ever be. Most of us live or are trapped in the movement of thought? Some of us spend hours a day thinking about want we don't want and creating a reality we hate and don't want to experience. we must all realize all these limiting thoughts and ideas are playing out in our heads? all these thoughts don't even exist in the reality now. Its all happening in your head. Change your perception now to something positive or inspirational and you change your reaction and feeling.

If you are spending hours thinking limiting thoughts or negative thoughts, I must honestly tell you, Its time badly spent, my friend called me up today telling me about someone who made you angry, yesterday, he has spent 24 hours thinking about this individual, having hateful thoughts and being angry and this individual has probably forgotten about the whole incident that happened yesterday, and here is my friend still meditating on this incident mentally.

I just told him to change his thought pattern and forgive this person now and move unto something more positive otherwise he will reap what he has sowed.

They are people having liming thoughts right now like why is my life so hard, why cant i make this money, i hate my job and e.t.c. All these limiting thoughts which simply reinforces your limiting reality.

How about faking it till you make it. Saying everything I'm hoping for is on its way to me now, money is coming to me now, I am prospering in every area of my life.

Spend 24/7 of the day focusing on loving thoughts, concepts, ideas, principles, precepts. Instead of focusing on limiting thoughts and concepts that demotivates you.

Until we change our mental focus or our imagining, our life will always play out the same and we will keep getting the same results.

I say this to myself when the pressure is getting to much for me to handle. I know the negative images and thoughts I am seeing and experiencing within me right now are not real and I know for a fact i am love because God or Source is love. I'm grateful for my life and I am thankful for everything. And i know that Fear is false expectation appearing real.

I am All imagination and I am the master and creator of my reality. Then doing this gives me a kind of clarity and makes it easier for me to change my thought pattern to something empowering or inspiring and not worrying about a single thing.

So no matter how much pressure life throws at you. Force yourself to have loving thoughts, think positive thoughts and paint positive images in imagination. Because we always reap what we sow. remember our thoughts are things. Think beautiful thoughts always because imagination creates reality. Have a blessed weekend!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Matthew 7:8 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"If we want something to change, we have to break the cycle and give the Matrix something different to reflect. Sounds simple, doesn't it? It may be deceptively simple, since changing the way we see ourselves is probably the most difficult practice that we'll ever be faced with in our lives. Because of our inner beliefs, we experience in our outer world the grand battle that's playing out the hearts and minds of every person alive - the struggle that defines who we are.

"In the presence of all the reasons not to trust, we're asked to find a way out of the prison that our fear locks us into. Each day the experiences of life ask us to show ourselves how much we can trust...not simply to blindly trust for no reason, but to really feel the safety and security that are ours in the world."

The Divine Matrix, pages 159-160, Gregg Braden
Your inner belief system controls the focus of your imagination. To control your imagination your inner belief system must be as one with your concept of life. So I ask you what do you believe and what do you think is possible in your reality. If you want the answers to these questions look at your core belief system. Remember as you believe in your heart so shall it be done unto you. --Neville Goddard

Friday, January 13, 2012

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
~ Buddha