Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Law of Attraction

There is nothing magical about it: it is based around electromagnetism. This electromagnetism is responsible for attracting you to other people and things. You attracted every experience that you have had in your life: people, situations, events, money, jobs, cars and so on. You electromagnetically attracted them all, mostly subconsciously. And when you attract things subconsciously, especially the unwanted things, you come to the conclusion that the Law of Attraction is not working positively for you.

Say you want more money, and you know that if you focus on getting more money you will succeed in your desire. After a while you notice that your financial situation has not improved. Why? You consciously wanted more money, yet you subconsciously stopped yourself from having more, without even realizing it. This is why you give up, believing the law doesn’t work. You don’t realize that you subconsciously held limiting beliefs about money: beliefs such as, ‘money is the root of all evil’, or ‘money is not important’.

These subconscious beliefs overrode your conscious desire.

You do not make more money by chance or by working hard. Things in life do not happen by chance: you electromagnetically attract everything in life.

Quantum physicists have revealed that everything in our universe is composed of energy, including us. We are vibrating energy beings. Since the Law of Attraction is based on the premise that ‘like attracts like’, the frequency that you vibrate at will always attract what is aligned with it. The critical point to understand here is that what you subconsciously vibrate at is what you get.

It is imperative to ensure that your conscious desires are in line with your subconscious beliefs, otherwise you will attract what you don’t want, and you will relive the belief that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work. To find out what your subconscious beliefs are, pay attention to your ‘but‘. For example, “I want to learn to fly, but I’m scared of flying.” The ‘I’m scared of flying’ is your subconscious belief that you will need to eliminate.

Whatever crops up as the ‘but‘, focus on it, give it your full attention and eliminate it. Focus on your thoughts; stop yourself from limiting beliefs and negative thinking.

If you want money, feel as if you have already achieved this, which is how your thoughts should resonate in your mind.  The feeling IS the prayer…..

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